Tooth and Bone Loss

Gum Disease/Tooth and Bone Loss

Tooth and Bone Loss in Elizabethtown, KY

Gum Disease and Tooth and Bone Loss Elizabethtowne, KYWhile the early symptoms of gum disease may be limited to swollen, bleeding, or inflamed gums, more advanced cases can lead to tooth and bone loss. When this happens, your quality of life can be drastically affected. Issues such as malnutrition or head and neck pain can arise and cause difficulty during your everyday life. To correct the problem, you will need to see a periodontist, such as Dr. Robert Franklin, for periodontal treatment. Once the effects become severe, you may experience the following changes:

Changes in Diet

When teeth become loose or are lost due to gum disease, chewing or biting certain foods can cause pain and difficulty. This can result in many patients limiting their diet to mostly soft foods. However, problems often occur when this diet does not satisfy the nutritional needs of the body and leads to weight loss, indigestion, and malnutrition.

Changes in Speech

While early symptoms such as bleeding or inflamed gums generally do not impair daily life, they can eventually lead to tooth loss. When this happens, certain letter sounds that are made from tongue to tooth contact become difficult to pronounce. Many patients can develop an embarrassing lisp and experience difficulty when attempting to speak.

Changes in Appearance

Bone and tooth loss can affect your personal appearance in several ways. The most obvious is the appearance of missing teeth that many people view as unattractive. Another way is the enhanced signs of aging. When teeth and bone are lost, the lips and cheeks have no support and will begin to shift inward. This is often referred to as a “sunken in” look and can age a person significantly.

Preventing Tooth and Bone Loss

The best way to prevent tooth and bone loss from taking over your life is to practice proper oral hygiene. However, if you do notice any gum disease symptoms such as bleeding or inflamed gums, you should contact an Elizabethtown, KY periodontist, as soon as possible. Call the offices of Dr. Franklin to schedule your consultation today!

Dr. Robert Franklin, a periodontist in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease. Dr. Franklin welcomes patients from Elizabethtown, KY; Radcliff, KY; Louisville, KY; Bardstown, KY; Bowling Green, KY; Campbellsville, KY; Lebanon, KY; and Springfield, KY as well as the surrounding areas. Our office offers advanced dental treatments including the LANAP Laser Treatment for periodontal disease, Pinhole Surgical Technique™ for gum recession, gum grafting, osseous surgery, and bone grafting. Call (270) 600-6394 to schedule your appointment or click here to request an appointment online!

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